With so many different types of goods lifts in the market place it takes a voice of experience to understand your lift properly.
Lifts, and in general all different types of lifting equipment do require regular routine inspections to ensure they are operating in a safe manner, whilst also ensuring they continue to operate as designed...
At Total Lifting Solutions we pride ourselves on the many years of experience that has been gained and as such consider lifts and lifting equipment quiet 'standard'. Standard by design style, yet different equipment manufacturers can have different little things that can go wrong unfortunately.
That's why we prefer to adopt a standard routine inspection in conjunction with a manufacturer inspection. That means that our qualified technicians are best equipped and informed to identify any possible 'known issues' that do occasionally show up.
Generally speaking, yet not isolated to a standard routine inspection on a Goods Lift would include checkpoints such as:
Doors or shutters operating correctly
Hydraulic oil clean and filled to required level
Hydraulic oil filter replaced
No hydraulic leaks
Lift operates correctly
Under lift area has been cleaned and items of interest given to client representative
Lift car door levels are aligned correctly
Door guides clean and free of obstructions
Lift car guides lubricated
Rope or chain tension is equal across all ropes or chains
No intermittent issues identified by equipment users on site
Lift car ramps or doors operating correctly